- air interference
- вторжение в воздушное пространство
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Englsh-Russian aviation and space dictionary. - M.: Military publishing house USSR Ministry of Defence. edited by M. Murashkevich. 1974.
Air safety — is a term encompassing the theory, investigation and categorization of flight failures, and the prevention of such failures through regulation, education and training. It can also be applied in the context of campaigns that inform the public as… … Wikipedia
Air superiority — is the dominance in the air power of one side s air forces over the other side s during a military campaign. It is defined in the NATO Glossary as That degree of dominance in the air battle of one force over another that permits the conduct of… … Wikipedia
Air supremacy — is the most favorable state of control of the air. It is defined by NATO and the United States Department of Defense as that degree of air superiority wherein the opposing air force is incapable of effective interference. There are normally… … Wikipedia
Air Paris — Ring name(s) Air Paris[1][2] Frank Ott … Wikipedia
Interference (communication) — Interférence (communication) En communication, les interférences sont les freins à la compréhension et à la réception du message. Sommaire 1 Déformation du message 2 Interférences liés au récepteur 3 Interférences liées à l émette … Wikipédia en Français
air block — interference with the normal inflation and deflation of the lungs and with the pulmonary blood flow, produced by the leakage of air from the pulmonary alveoli into the interstitial tissue of the lung (interstitial emphysema) and into the… … Medical dictionary
Interférence par une lame d'air — Interférences par une lame d air L interférence par une lame d air est un phénomène d interférence obtenu avec un interféromètre de Michelson. Il s agit d une simplification du phénomène d interférence par une couche mince d indice de réfraction… … Wikipédia en Français
Interference (baseball) — In baseball, interference is an infraction where a person illegally changes the course of play from what is expected. Interference might be committed by players on the offense, players not currently in the game, catchers, umpires, or spectators;… … Wikipedia
Air cable — An air cable is an insulated cable usually containing all conductors required for an electrical transmission system or a telecommunication line, which is spun between poles or pylones. Further air cables of fiberoptic basic are also available. As … Wikipedia
air law — Introduction the body of law directly or indirectly concerned with civil aviation. Aviation in this context extends to both heavier than air and lighter than air aircraft. Air cushion vehicles are not regarded as aircraft by the… … Universalium
air superiority — An air situation in which air, land, and maritime forces have full freedom of action without any effective interference from enemy air forces. At the same time, the enemy air force is denied such a freedom. The degree of freedom is slightly lower … Aviation dictionary